Air Pollution Control Blog

Get the latest news and information about air pollution control solutions such as commercial kitchen exhaust filtration systems, dust collection systems, electrostatic precipitators, and more in our blog.

Air pollution control San Francisco, CA


3 Ways to Choose the Right Size and Type of Commercial Kitchen Exhaust System

Efficient and compliant kitchen operations hinge significantly on the right exhaust system. It’s not just about removing smoke and odors. It's about ensuring safety, meeting


Understanding Electrostatic Precipitators: What Do They Remove?

Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) are important and beneficial for companies who wish to maintain air and environmental protection regulations in the industry sectors such as manufacturing,


4 Ways to Address Ventilation Problems in Commercial Kitchens

At any commercial kitchen, ventilation is a silent partner and one of the important pieces of equipment, not only for safety and cleanliness purposes, but