Air Pollution Control Blog

Get the latest news and information about air pollution control solutions such as commercial kitchen exhaust filtration systems, dust collection systems, electrostatic precipitators, and more in our blog.

Air pollution control San Francisco, CA


How Does the PEACH Filter Work in SmogHog Mist Collectors?

The SmogHog SHM Mist Collector system effectively removes the mist and smoke produced by working with metals in the various metalworking industries such as die casting, heat


4 Qualities of a Smog Hog Dust Collector Parts Company

There are a lot of DustHog dust collector parts companies out there, so how do you select the best one to provide parts and dust media filtration


How Are Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Filtration Systems Configured?

Restaurants, diners, coffee-shops and other establishments that cook food for customers all have kitchens that feature commercial kitchen exhaust filtration systems. But which one is the